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Partner CSOs To Monitor Budgetary Allocations, CHRICED Tells Kano Lawmakers

The Resource Centre for Human Rights and Civil Education (CHRICED) has called on the Kano State House of Assembly to work closely with civil society organizations to monitor the use of budgetary allocations meant for critical sectors such as health, education and infrastructure.

CHRICED Executive Director, Comrade Dr. Ibrahim M. Zikirullahi who was represented by Senior Programs Officer, Omoniyi Adewoye, gave the charge when he presented a memorandum to Assembly, during the public hearing on the State’s 2023 budget.

The frontline civic group, which campaigns for accountability and good governance noted that while the budgeting process has improved commendably in the area of maternal and child healthcare with the allocation of more funds, and the creation of institutions to support the sub-sector, there was an urgent need to track how the monies were being utilized.

He said: “CHRICED, as a responsive organisation, has recognised a number of laudable causes that this noble Assembly has pursued through legislation over the last three years. Those efforts are already bearing fruit, but the desired impact of those laudable legislations will require nurturing from this Assembly.

It is important to note, however, that strategic oversight of these key institutions would be required to support them and ensure they fulfil their mandate as originally envisioned by this Assembly.

For example, funds allocated to Primary Health Care Centres (PHCs) throughout the state should be monitored to ensure they have a positive impact on the facilities.

According to the group, the maternal and child healthcare delivery sector in the state still faces several debilitating issues resulting in the needless death of pregnant women, nursing mothers and newborns, especially in hard to reach communities.

The group lamented that in communities such as Zara and Limawa, the primary healthcare facilities are in a state of unacceptable dilapidation. This situation, the CHRICED helmsman noted was putting pressure on health facilities in Mariri, while the one in Yan Shana cannot be reached by patients due to lack of access road.


The group observed that the myriad of issues confronting the health sector could not be effectively addressed on an isolated basis. He therefore urged the Assembly to pass the Free Maternal and Child Healthcare Bill for better services and delivery in the sector.

CHRICED also advocated that the lawmakers should pay attention to citizens demands in the area of ensuring popular participation in the design and implementation of Zonal Intervention Projects, also known as constituency projects.

The group said: “We believe that for citizens to own and sustain the dividends of democracy that constituency projects are meant to deliver, they must be involved in the project’s selection, planning, and execution. This will not only promote project integrity but will also improve openness and transparency in Kano State constituency delivery.

On the need for legislative oversight of projects and programs of government, the accountability group argued that if billions of Naira devoted to the government’s policies and programs are not rigorously monitored, their impacts will be difficult to measure.

This would in turn make it impossible for the government to do the necessary value for money analysis, which would determine if the projects have achieved their desired results or not.


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