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CHRICED Commiserates With Victims of Lagos Explosion, Calls For Measures To Prevent Reoccurrence

The Resource Centre for Human Rights & Civic Education (CHRICED) is deeply saddened by the tragic explosion, which claimed scores of lives in Lagos on Sunday. We sympathize with families who lost loved ones, properties, and their means of livelihoods as a result of this disaster. The avoidable nature of this disaster is an eloquent commentary on how cheaply human life is in Nigeria due to the failure of governance. CHRICED calls for the mobilization of more personnel and resources to rescue, and provide sustenance to citizens trapped or stranded in the area. This is the time for the Federal, State and Local authorities to show the value the lives, and would go the extra mile to ensure the welfare of affected citizens.

As the victims, and indeed all Nigerians count the human and material cost of this tragedy, all relevant agencies must rise to the occasion to provide psychosocial support to bereaved families, and those bearing the wounds of the disaster. CHRICED expects the government to immediately activate an emergency call centre where citizens can make enquiries about the status of loved ones, missing persons and get the needed support at this difficult time. This is no time for petty government officials to divert relief materials meant for disaster victims as has been experienced in the past.    

As the agencies carry on rescue work, CHRICED calls for a comprehensive investigation of the immediate and remote causes of this disaster. The outcome of the inquiry should provide the basis for the government to consider compensatory and remedial measures to assist all those affected by this tragic occurrence. Also, the outcome of an investigation into the explosion, we believe would provide the basis for proactive and far-reaching measures to prevent another such tragedy. In the area of urban and regional planning, especially, it is our view that the process has failed, not only in Lagos but across the country. This has exposed citizens to unnecessary dangers and tragedies that would have been avoided. Also, organisations charged with custody of oil pipelines, notably the Nigeria National Corporation (NNPC) should understand its responsibility to secure pipeline infrastructure to prevent the avoidable tragedies, which have become a regular occurrence in our country.

Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria

Comrade Dr. Ibrahim M. Zikirullahi

Executive Director

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