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Nigeria Has Lost A Principled Fighter: CHRICED Mourns Labour Activist, Comrade Ayodele Akele

The Board and entire Staff of the Resource Centre for Human Rights & Civic Education (CHRICED) are deeply saddened by the death of frontline labour activist, Comrade Ayodele Akele. As an organisation, we are deeply saddened by the exit of this great and exemplary Comrade. As a labour activist, Comrade Akele was a man of principles, who devoted his time and energies to fight on the side of the working people. In the various struggles for better living and working conditions for the workers of Lagos State and Nigeria at large, Comrade Akele as Chair of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) displayed courage, vigour and a permanent commitment to the cause. Even when the consequence of his principled stance meant he had to suffer personal attacks and setbacks, Comrade Akele put the collective interest far ahead of his comfort. In the face of intimidation and coercion by those who wielded the instruments of state power, Comrade Akele remained firm in defending the cause of justice. The labour movement and the community of principled activists fighting for the emancipation of Nigeria would remember his legacy of steadfast commitment to the cause of ensuring fairness, equity and solidarity. Comrade Ayodele Akele will also be recognised for his unalloyed support and solidarity to the struggle of 2042 workers of the Nigerian Security Printing & Minting Company (NSPMC) wrongfully dismissed in 1995 from service by the regime of the late maximum ruler, General Sani Abacha, of which our Executive Director, Comrade Ibrahim M. Zikirullahi was a victim. Even as we mourn the demise of this patriot, the legacy of Comrade Akele reminds all activists and campaigners for justice that we have a difficult task ahead of us. Late Comrade Akele dreamed of and fought for a country built on the principles of social and economic justice. These ideals, which the late Comrade was committed to realising, are still very far from realisation in Nigeria. CHRICED calls on all comrades to re-inspire themselves for the struggles ahead. Imbibing the ideals, principles, and commitment, which Comrade Akele stood for in his lifetime, would be critical to the success of our mission. May the soul of our great Comrade find eternal rest.


Comrade Dr. Zikirullahi M. Ibrahim

Executive Director

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