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Open Letter on Alleged Fraudulent Activities, Specifically With Respect to Sale of Covid-19 Vaccination Cards by Unscrupulous Nphcda Officials: Call for Urgent Investigation and Action

Dr. Faisal Shuaib

Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

National Primary Healthcare Development Agency

Plot 681/682 Port Harcourt Crescent

Off Gimbiya Street, Area 11, Garki

FCT, Abuja

Dear Dr. Shuaib,


Resource Center for Human Rights & Civic Education (CHRICED) is a registered independent and nonpartisan, non-profit organization, with offices in Abuja and Kano. CHRICED is committed to a democratic Nigeria where participation, inclusion and transparency are guaranteed, and state and non-state actors actively collaborate towards accountable and responsive use of resources for the collective wellbeing of Nigerians. CHRICED uses action civics, advocacy and outreach to mobilize vulnerable and marginalized groups, including youth, women and people living with disabilities, to engage with governance processes, protect their rights and be responsible citizens.

As a frontline organization working to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we write to draw your attention to reports from credible media platforms detailing how some unscrupulous, and unpatriotic officials of the National Primary Health Development Agency (NPHCDA) have been engaging in the corrupt and utterly reprehensible practice of collecting N5000 to issue COVID-19 vaccination cards, without the collectors taking the vaccines. According to one of such reports by the Media West Africa Foundation, several vaccine skeptics who are objecting to taking the vaccines but need the cards for the purpose of travelling are being made to pay N5000 for the vaccination card, without taking the vaccine.

To say the least, these allegations are disturbing. The serious infractions which have been detailed in these investigative reports are capable of undermining the entire purpose of the vaccination process, which the Federal Government of Nigeria and the entire community has committed enormous resources to. CHRICED is also worried that this sharp practices, reprehensible and unbridled acts of petty corruption, if not checked and nipped in the bud, would undermine the valiant national and global efforts being put into the fight to stop the spread of COVID-19 in Nigeria and around the world. It is equally pertinent to note that with such embarrassing attempts to corrupt the vaccination process, the credibility of Nigeria in the comity of nations, would be severely dented. If these acts of alleged official malfeasance are not investigated, and the perpetrators prosecuted, the credibility and acceptance of Nigerian vaccination cards on the global stage would be seriously affected.

Also not forget that the sharp practices being perpetrated by these unscrupulous officials would negatively impact on the NPHCDA core corporate goal of limiting the occurrence and impact of diseases using education, immunization and other proven interventions. Given the grave dangers posed by the illegal activities of your officials, CHRICED calls on the NPHCDA to immediately cause a detailed investigation of these allegations, with a view to holding any culpable officials or persons offering inducement to them accountable. We are of the firm view that those who are found wanting with respect to these infractions should be made to face the full wrath of the law to serve as a deterrent to others.

However, beyond the reactive responses, CHRICED calls on the NPHCDA to put in place proactive measures to address the very serious threats posed by officials who would want to circumvent due process and abuse their positions for personal benefits. CHRICED similarly believes that a robust monitoring mechanism involving critical stakeholders in civil society and the media should be put in place to ensure transparency, accountability, and deterrence against acts of corruption. If this is done, officials on the field would come to terms with the fact that they are being closely watched and as such would be less willing to engage in condemnable acts, which undermine the very essence of the ongoing vaccination process.

Do accept the highest assurances of our regards,

Yours Sincerely

Comrade Dr. Ibrahim M. Zikirullahi

Executive Director  

CC:    1. Chair, Presidential Task Force on COVID-19

Office of The Secretary to the Government of the Federation,
Federal Secretariat, Phase III

Shehu Shagari Way, Central Business District
Three Arms Zone, FCT, Abuja.

         2. Director-General

Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC)

Plot 801, Ebitu Ukiwe Street, Jabi, FCT-Abuja

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